ED Program (FP-EDP)

  • IEED
  • ED Program (FP-EDP)

Entrepreneurship Development Program on
Food Processing (FP-EDP)

Partner Agency: Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI) under aegis of Nation Mission of Food Processing, Govt. of India

Geographical area: Bihar and Jharkhand

Project Duration: Financial Year 2012-2015

Theme: Training and Capacity building for Food Processing based entrepreneurship


  • Motivation and Training of candidates for entrepreneurial quality enhancement
  • Provide assistance in Detail Project Report (DPR) development and linkage with district industrial centre
  • Provide assistance for bank loan sanction

Beneficiaries list

Year 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total
EDP on Food Processing 144 145 297 586


  • 312 trainees have been established industries in food processing sector.
  • 32 industries are under process of establishment
  • 113 entrepreneur got loan from bank or other financial institutions

Activities for mass awareness

Conservation of Ganga River Campaign

IEED have organized campaign on conservation of Ganga with Dr. Rajendra Prasad (The Water Man of India) and the co-member of Tarun Bharat Sangh, Rajasthan, team of six foreign journalists and camera men.


  • Cleaning of Ganga Ghat at different Ghat from Chausa,Buxar to Kahalgaon, Bhagalpur
  • Mass awareness to mass to check pollution in Ganga river
  • Taking oath byofficers, community member and students to never spread pollution in Ganga or other water resources like pond, well etc.


  • More than 5000 people participated in this campaign at different Ghat of the Ganga in Bihar
  • More than 150 professors, Environmentalist, officers from PCB, socialist etc. participated in this campaign