Mission & Vision

  • IEED
  • Mission & Vision


To establish healthy environment by providing diverse methods of learning and sharing knowledge in the field of Environment and Sustainable Development through research and action-based program to improved socio economic dynamics at different levels ofsociety.It has established linkages between National and International organizations dedicated to work for Environment and Development issues in the region.


Provide sustainable development and a package of measures to deliver it through the Green Economy, action to tackle climate change, protecting and enhancing the natural environment, and fairness and improving wellbeing, and building a big Society


  • To carry out inter disciplinary and multi To provide benefits of technological inputs for progress of socioeconomic status of people at grass rootlevel
  • To Build capacity for achieving equitable and sustainable livelihoodoptions
  • To provides scientific and technological support to local self-disciplinary research on food security and livelihoodissues
  • Government institutions and other agencies for implementing environmentally suitable developmental projects.
  • To interact / collaborate with universities, academic institutions and developmental agencies in India and abroad for research on environment and sustainabledevelopment.
  • To Bridge the gap between environment and development through effective use of information and collaborative planning processesetc.
  • Todevelopdatabaseandinformationsystemsonvariousfieldsrelatedtoenvironmentanddevelopment


Some specific strategies of IEED's which ensures accountability, transparency, quality and overall impacts of its programs:
  • Identify and strengthen knowledge about local specific environmental and sustainable livelihood issues through interactive networking with scientific Institutions, Universities, and NGOsetc.
  • Facilitatingpeopleparticipationinenvironmental conservation activities and making networks at local, national and regional levels.
  • Partnership with other organizations for mutual convergence of ideas andgoals
  • Building cooperation with the government and other NGOs to achieve comprehensive result of programs
  • Adaptability of programs to different geographic, cultural, socioeconomicconditions.