Wildlife Week

  • IEED
  • Wildlife Week

Wildlife Week

The walk for Wildlife program has been organized by Department of Environment & Forests, Government of Bihar on the occasion of Wild life cconservation week ( 2 October to 8 October) every year. IEED has been also a co-partner of walk for wildlife for the conservation of wildlife.

Partner Agency: Environment, Forest and Climate Change Department, Govt. of Bihar

Geographical area: Patna

Theme: Awareness generation for protection of wild animal


  • Walk , Merathan etc.
  • Cycle race
  • Cultural activities based on environment and wildlife protection


  • About10,000 students, teachers, officers, NGOs members, social volunteers etc participated every year

Pariyavaran Rath Yatra Campaign & Nukkad Natak for mass awareness regarding greenery development

Institute of Environment & Eco- Development has conducted awareness programs among farmers for motivation towards agro-forestry by Paryawaran Rath. The main motto of the yatra was socio-economical upliftment of farmers through increase the productivity by integrated agro-forestry cropping patterns and increases the green cover belt in Bihar.

Partner Agency: Environment & Forest Department, Govt. of Bihar

Geographical area: Sitamarhi &Madhubani districts of Bihar

Theme: Awareness generation plantation and create green beltthroughagro-forestry



  • Message for plantation and plant protection through Nukkad Natak
  • Audio- visual promotion


  • Covered 500000 farmers in 623 villages of 141 panchayats from 17 blocks in Sitamarhi and 21 blocks in Madhubani districts.
  • More than 340000 farmers filled form for plantation under the schemes of Hariyali Mission
  • Rural Women also made aware about importance of Tree and forest.